"Hadn't I faced all these complications in life, I wouldn't have learnt how to confront those."-Anwesa Roy

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Wednesday, 27 March 2024

 I smell something suspicious.

My life is perhaps in danger.

My eyesight is receding. I'll be blind in a few more days. The joint in my back is dislocated. I am being slowly poisoned. My bones are becoming pliable. There is a visible loss of enamel in my teeth which is due to the wearing away of bone tissue.

If I die soon, please take this into account.

I feel danger. In case I die an untimely and unnatural death, please investigate. My mother and father are involved.

If I die an untimely death, please investigate. The enamel from my teeth has eroded.

In case I am murdered please investigate

Monday, 5 December 2016

Arun Sharma Solutions

Click on the link below to access the solutions


1)Time, Speed and Distance Level I (Click here)

2) Alligations (Click Here)

3)Time and Work(Level II)(Click Here)

For more solutions check this website time to time.

Book needed: How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT, by Arun Sharma

For any query, do comment. Would try to resolve your doubts.